Spiritual Letter 71 "Expanded Overviews" Version 03 "What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?" Page 4 of 5 Go to Page 1 of 5 (click HERE and then, click on "Expanded Overviews")
(for "Expanded Overviews") ============================================================= Go To: Introduction - to "Version 03", of "Expanded Overviews", of Letter 71 Go To: Expanded Overviews - of Spiritual Letter 71 (on Pages 2, 3, 4, and 5) Version 03 - of Expanded Overviews (on this Page, on Page 4 of 5) "What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?" Version 04 - of Expanded Overviews (in process, on Page 5 of 5) "The focus of this Beautiful Letter of Wisdom, from God within us all" Version 01 - of Expanded Overviews (on Page 2 of 4) "What are we willing To Give Up, to again become"One with" God?" Version 02 - of Expanded Overviews (on Page 3 of 5) "What Are We Really Capable of Doing In Our Lifetime?"
============================================================= Introduction - to "Version 03" of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is "Version 03" of the "Expanded Overviews" of "Spiritual Letter 71", which we have given the title,
"What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?"
Hopefully for your reading enjoyment and sharing.
And hopefully to awaken the wisdom surrounding your soul, to awaken it to the reality of our life within us, as "One with" God within us, which is soul, which is our pure birth and life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him), which our liberated soul joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom, which in truth is the contrast to our current life of "separation and differences" that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
But which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that we in our ignorance have allowed to grow within us, and have now come to maturity within us, as the 9 openings of our elemental body, which now rule over us with God's Permission, until we "See God" within us, and then "Steady Him" within us, so God can then "Cure Himself of us", cure Himself of "us" as "separate from" Him within us, and then complete what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us Amen.
May we all find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, so we can join in partnership with God within us, to complete this "Heart's Work" within us, or at least truly start it within us, in partnership the God within us, in this way, truly using God to get to God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a real possibility in our age. Amen.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
============================================================= Version 03 - of the "Expanded Overviews" of "Spiritual Letter 71" "Silent Outline" - with no summary of each Version 03 Topic
Introduction - to Version 03, of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
05. Understanding - Only Occurs Through Contrast, in the "School of Contrast" within
============================================================= "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Version 03 Topic Introduction - to Version 03, of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
01. What Makes "Us Acceptable" - To God Within Us, is "God happening" within us, that is, is "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and we will be within it. What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is the "Stuff of God" happening within God within us, which includes the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God "Happening" within God within us, and we will be within it, including the 8 Main Prophets of God within us, which are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening within us, and finally the first and the last Prophet of God, Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening within us. What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is "What God Is Doing" within us happening within us, moving forward on the "Path of God" within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya) within us. allowing True Man to reveal True Man To True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the Next world, the hereafter or akhirah) within us, and we will be within it. And in this way, with God and True Man within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and we will be within it, that is, with "us" joined in partnership with God and True Man within us telling and completing the "Story of the Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell, and "we will be within it", as the Witness. Amen. 02. What Are "We" Really "Capable of Doing" - in our current state. For example in our current state are we capable of "being good", and of "helping other people". This is the question raised and answered within this Spiritual letter, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state, in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, and of currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us. This is the big question of our life, and how we answer it will determinate our eternal life after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us, or after one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age. 03. What Does It Really Mean "Jesus (A.S.) Died On the Cross" - does it mean what we are traditionally told that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross, "for our sins", or does it have a more subtle meaning, that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh, like our soul, our pure birth and life, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, was crucified on the cross of our elemental body within us, on the cross of our impure birth and life, which is our current life on the "outside" of us, "So we could sin", we could come to the "School of Contrast", which is the "First" of "God's Schools" within us in order to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, what "separates us" from the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and what "separates us" from "What God is doing" within God within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, so in partnership with God within us, having come to this understanding, we could then again become "One with" God within us, and "One with" the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and "One with" what "God is doing" within us, before we die to the flesh, so God can finish what He is doing within us, and we will be within it. Amen. 04. Understanding Our "Current State" - and "what to do" with it, our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to move it forward again on the "Path of God" within us. That is, to harvest the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God from within it, from within our current state, to harvest the state of Light within us, of the "Light of man" within God within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, liberated from His cross by our awakened wisdom within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, from within our current state of darkness and evil within us, which in our ignorance is our current "outside" of us. And then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us, to then harvest from within Them (peace be upon Them), to harvest the "Light of God" within us, from within the "Light of the Purity" of God within us, which is our liberated soul joined as 'One with" our awakened wisdom, which is the "Oneness" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, and then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the 'Path of God" within us. To then harvest from within Them what is next on the "Path of God" within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, that is, to harvest the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us from the 'Light of God" within us, from the "Light of God" within us, which is the "Light of the Purity of God" within us, joined as "One with" the "Light of our wisdom" within us, which is the Nur Muhammad within us that has become God within us, that is, in the Islamic tradition, to harvest Allah Muhammad from the Nur Muhammad within us. Amen. 5. Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast - and "Contrast" only occurs through "Wisdom" within us, and "Wisdom" only occurs through God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us. And in truth this is where we have all come, within us, at least this is our "current destination", within God within us, if we have the heart to realize it, at least this is where God in all of His Glory, has sent us, has sent His most Gracious Creation, from the "World of soul" within God within us, to the "School of Contrast" within God within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already are", which is "Of God" within us, which is "Of what is within God" within us, and which is "Of what God is doing" within us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not. Because in truth this is our birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, of our soul which is our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, the true destiny of our soul within us, which is to be crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that have all grown within us, in our ignorance, "so we can sin", so in our ignorace we can live a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, of "selfishnes" son the "outside" of us, which in truth is our current life and our current state. So through contrast, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, so through contrast, joined in partnership with God within us, livng within God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within God within us, we can truly come to understand "Who we Already are", before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which in truth in our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may be pleased with each of Us). Amen. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we have joined in partnership with God within us to truly "See God and Steady God" within us. Amen. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to truly start living within the "School of Contrast" within God within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within God within us, as the "House of wisdom" within God within us, as the house of Qutb Muaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within God within us, so joined in partnership with God within us, we can come to understand "Who we Already are", which in truth is "Of God" within us, and "Of what is within God" within us, and "Of what God is doing" within us". Amen. 6. The "True Path" To Enlightenment - is the "Path of God" within us, which God has completed for our age, and all that is left is for us to join in partnership with God within us, "To walk it", before we die to the flesh, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to start to walk it, and then God will do everything else. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen. 7. Allowing "God To Finish" - What "God Has Started" Within Us, a very, very long time ago, way before we were born into this world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity, from a Father of purity with a pure heart, how to join in partnership with God within us, so "we" as "One with" God within us, and God as "One with" us within Him within us, can finish this "Heart's Work" within us, or at leas truly start it in partnership with God within us. Then God will do everything else. This is God's Promise, God's Guarantee for our age. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen 8. Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us" - of "us" as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh, by making "us" into God's Problem, not ours, by making our inside and "outside" into His inside and "outside", allowing God to then separate from us everything that is separating us from God, to do this again, as He did it before, in order to become God within us, but this time to do it within us, and when God has done this within us, when God has finished within us what He created us to finish within us, within Him within us, and within us within Him within us, we will be within it, as the Witness, as the Witness of what God has done within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and we will then spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing what we have learned in the process, as God joined as "One with" us within Him within us, and us joined as "One with" Him within us, "Cured Himself of us", of our current state, of the "outside" of us, of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowing to grow within us, of "us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, of our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen. 9. And "We" Are "All One" Within Us - That is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth, and if we will come to realize, understand, accept, and join as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within us, the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of God within us, which is True Man within God within us, if we will join in partnership with God within us, to do this, then our life will become successful in our lifetime. For in truth, like with the apple seed buried within the earth, the truth will naturally emerge from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, which is the true significance of this Spiritual Letter. For in truth this Spiritual Letter is "Our own life speaking to Us", not something written by this fool. For each of us in our age is now ready to hear this truth, and to either accept or reject it. Such is the significance of each of "us" in our age, as the Children of God for our age, as the Children of God's Grace for our age. And if we then do accept and join as 'One with" this truth of us, and of God within us, in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us. That in truth we are the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and that in truth God is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, then the "Seed of God" within the "Earth of God" within us will germinate, coming together as "One". And in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is God within us, and in maturity revealing the "Fruit of God" from that "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is "True Man" within God within the Creation of God within us, and as such, we are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such "We" are all One, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit are all one, and in the process, again revealing the apple seed from within the apple fruit, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
============================================================= Text of Version 03 - with an expanded summary for some Version 03 Topics 01. What Makes "Us Acceptable" - To God Within Us Expanded Summary of Topic 01:
What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within is "God happening" within us, that is, "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and we will be within it.
What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is the "Stuff of God" happening within God within us, which includes the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God "Happening" within God within us, and we will be within it, including the 8 Main Prophets of God within us, which are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening within us, and finally the first and the last Prophet of God, Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening within us.
What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is "What God Is Doing" within us happening within us, moving forward on the "Path of God" within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya) within us. allowing True Man to reveal True Man To True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the Next world, the hereafter or akhirah) within us, and we will be within it.
And in this way, with God and True Man within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and we will be within it, that is, with "us" joined in partnership with God and True Man within us telling and completing the "Story of the Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell, and "we will be with it", as the Witness. Amen.
This is what makes us acceptable to God within us, not "us" living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, not all of the "Stuff of Us" that we have accumulated on the "outside" of us, which in truth is within us, not "outside" of us, is all within us as but a refection of all of the desires and attachments of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, and that have now come to maturity within us, and which now in our ignorance rule over us as the 9 openings of our body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us.
Until we join in partnership with God within us, until we find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age.
And in this way, allowing God within us to "Cure Himself of us", of "us" within us living in our ignorance a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, of "us" within us living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other" on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from the Creation of God within us. With "us" within us living a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, that is only leading us to hell both within us and on the "outside" of us, is only leading us to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, when we die to the flesh, when we do finally physically die to the "outside" of us, or at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, for all of us, which in our age is a very real possibility. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. What a wonder is this God of ours. Amen.
Text of Topic 01:
Here is a "Second Version" of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71 that was sent to several High School Classmates of this child after Mr. Paul Sturgis asked for help, after Paul asked this child, and some of his other Classmates, to help him decide how best to use the money that was collected by Paul at the previous "Guy's Luncheon", with the intention of "helping other people".
Which looks at the whole question of "us" being acceptable to God within us while we are still in our current state of "separation from" each other on the "outside" of us, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting as if we are truly "selfless" within us, like God is always truly acting within us, while we are still in our current state of living a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
02. What Are "We" Really "Capable of Doing" - in our current state Expanded Summary of Topic 02:
For example, in our current state are we capable of "being good", and of "helping other people".
This is the question raised and answered within this Spiritual letter, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state, in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us.
That is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, and of currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us.
This is the big question of our life, and how we answer it will determinate our eternal life after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us, or after one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age.
Text of Topic 02:
In this way, this Spiritual Letter brings up the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us.
That is, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, an "impure birth and life" within us that in our ignorance we only see as existing on the "outside" of us, an "impure birth and life" within us that in truth is the "opposite" of the "pure birth and life" of God within us, which in truth is the "opposite" of the "pure birth and life" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us.
03. What Does It "Really Mean" - "Jesus (A.S.) Died On the Cross". Expanded Summary of Topic 03:
Does it mean what we are traditionally told that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross, on the "outside" of us, "for our sins" on the "outside" of us, so we could go to some heaven also on the "outside" of us, or does it have a more subtle meaning within us, that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh on the "outside" of us. A more subtle meaning within us.
For example, that in truth within us Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our soul, our pure birth and life, which was crucified by each of us, in our ignorance, when we came into this world, on the cross of our elemental body within us, with the 5 nails, with our 5 desires to "live on the "outside" of and sin.
That in this way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us was crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in our ignorance we now see as our current life on the "outside" of us, "So we could sin".
That is, that our pure birth and life, or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, was crucified on our impure birth and life, which is the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us in our ignorance, "So we could sin", so we could come to the "School of Contrast" within us, which is the "First" of "God's Schools" within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already Are", which is "Of God" within us, to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, about what "separates us" from the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and about what "separates us" from "What God is doing" within God within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
So in partnership with God within us, having come to this understanding within us, we could then again become "One with" God within us, and "One with" the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and "One with" what "God is doing" within God within us, before we die to the flesh, so God within us can finish what He is doing within us, and we will be within it, as the Witness. Amen.
Text of Topic 03:
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, we need to ask the question,
"What Does It Mean that Jesus (peace be upon Him) Died On the Cross".
Does it mean what we are traditionally told, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross on the "outside" of us, "for our sins" on the "outside" of us, so we could then go to some heaven on the "outside" of us, as is believed by some within the Christian tradition, or does it have a more subtle meaning, a meaning that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh, so our life can truly become successful in our lifetime.
For example, like in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) is not really on the "outside" of us, but rather within us, and neither are we, and that Jesus (peace be upon Him) is not really "separate from" us at all, but in truth is our own soul, and neither are we "separate from" Jesus (peace be upon Him), for in truth, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, we are His house, and we are His body, that is, we are the 'Palace of our soul", and the "Body of the soul".
For in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our soul, is our original "pure birth and life" of God within us, is the "Light of man" within God within us, which in truth is our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, having been crucified on the cross of our "impure birth and life", which is our ego, which is our current life of sin, our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, which is our current state.
And this is our current state, we have become "One with" our impure birth and life, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our previous state, is our original pure birth and life, which has allowed itself to be covered over, to be crucified by our impure birth and life, "so we could sin", so we could experience the necessary Contrast, the contrast between heaven and hell, and between good and evil, so we can learn, because understanding only occurs through contrast.
And having learned, having studied and passed all of our exams in this "School of Contrast", having come to understand what "separates us" from God within us, from each other on the "outside" of us, and from the Creation of God within us, we could then graduate from this "First" of "God's Schools", from the "School of Contrast", and then go off to the 'Next" of "God's Schools", off to the "School of Light", where God will personally and ever so lovingly teach us about God within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, and we will spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing our understanding with God within us. Amen.
And while we are still in our current state, we must restrain ourselves from our thoughts of "being good", and of "helping other people", because if we step out to do "God's work" while we are still "separate from" God within us, we could be putting but ourselves and the very people we set out to help, in danger. Rather than this, first praise God within us for such thoughts, and then hand these thoughts of "being good" and of "helping other people" back to God within us, and praise God again.
And then "be done with them", until we are truly good, until we have again become "One with" God within us, and in the process of joining in partnership with God within us, to walk the "Path of God" within us, back into the 'Light of God" within us, becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" all of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God" within us, God within us, finally becoming "One with" the first and the last Prophet of God within us, with the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him). Amen.
04. Understanding Our "Current State" - and what to do with it Expanded Summary of Topic 04:
Understanding our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to move it forward again on the "Path of God" within us.
That is, to harvest the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God from within it, from within our current state, to harvest the state of Light within us, of the "Light of man" within God within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, liberated from His cross by our awakened wisdom within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, from within our current state of darkness and evil within us, which in our ignorance is our current "outside" of us.
And then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us, to then harvest from within Them (peace be upon Them), to harvest the "Light of God" within us, from within the "Light of the Purity" of God within us, which is our liberated soul joined as 'One with" our awakened wisdom, which is the "Oneness" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, and then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us.
To then harvest from within Them what is next on the "Path of God" within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, that is, to harvest the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us from the 'Light of God" within us, from the "Light of God" within us, which is the "Light of the Purity of God" within us, joined as "One with" the "Light of our wisdom" within us, which is the Nur Muhammad within us that has become God within us, that is, in the Islamic tradition, to harvest Allah Muhammad from the Nur Muhammad within us. Amen.
Text of Topic 04:
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, we must join in partnership with God within us to, "Understanding Our Current State", to understand our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to harvest our current "impure birth and life" of sin on the "outside" of us, our current "impure birth and life" of "separation and differences", of "selfishness" on the" outside" of us, our current "impure birth and life" of arrogance, karma, illusion, mind and desire within us, our current "impure birth and life" of desire for earth, women, and gold on the "outside" of us, revealing to us, in this way, what must next be seen and experienced on the "Path of God" within us.
Only then will our current state be of any value to us, as the true value of an apple tree is in its harvest, for if the apples are not properly harvested by a skilled farmer, the crop will only fall off of the tree after it has become hard, and rot and be absorbed into the soil, and perhaps come to grow again in some soil which is not so good.
In this way, we must come to realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of our life, and the truth of God within us, that our original "pure birth and life" within us, which is our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, is currently crucified on the cross of our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, on the cross of the elemental body within us, on the cross of our current "life of sin" on the "outside" of us and in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us currently crucified on the cross of our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us with the 5 nails of "our" desire to live here, of "our" desire to live a life of sin, a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us. Such is our current state.
And in this way, in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) didn't die "for our sins", in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) died "so we could sin", so we could take on and live an "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, so we could learn, so we could come to truly understand, so we could come to this first of "God's School" within us and learn, so we could come to this "School of Contrast" within us, and through it come to the understanding of who in truth we "Already are" within us, which in truth is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. Amen.
5. Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast Expanded Summary of Topic 05:
Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast, and "Contrast" only occurs through "Wisdom" within us, and "Wisdom" only occurs through God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us.
And in truth this is where we have all come, within us, at least this is our "current destination", within God within us, if we have the heart to realize it, at least this is where God in all of His Glory, has sent us, has sent His most Gracious Creation, from the "World of soul" within God within us, to the "School of Contrast" within God within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already are", which is "Of God" within us, which is "Of what is within God" within us, and which is "Of what God is doing" within us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not.
Because in truth this is our birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, of our soul which is our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, the true destiny of our soul within us, which is to be crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that have all grown within us, in our ignorance, "so we can sin", so in our ignorace we can live a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, of "selfishnes" son the "outside" of us, which in truth is our current life and our current state.
So through contrast, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, so through contrast, joined in partnership with God within us, livng within God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within God within us, we can truly come to understand "Who we Already are", before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which in truth in our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may be pleased with each of Us). Amen.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we have joined in partnership with God within us to truly "See God and Steady God" within us. Amen.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to truly start living within the "School of Contrast" within God within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within God within us, as the "House of wisdom" within God within us, as the house of Qutb Muaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within God within us, so joined in partnership with God within us, we can come to understand "Who we Already are", which in truth is "Of God" within us, and "Of what is within God" within us, and "Of what God is doing" within us". Amen.
Text of Topic 05:
For in truth, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, "understanding only occurs through contrast", through the contrast of heaven and hell within us, through the contrast of good and evil within us, and through the contrast of the qualities of God and the qualities of the Creation of God within us, which in truth in the Islamic tradition is called the "Mubarakat" of God within us, or the "Wealth of the 3 Worlds" of God within us, which in truth is the wealth of awwal or the "world of souls" within us, of the dunya or this earth world within us, and of akhirah or the hereafter within us.
For in truth, this "contrast" of the 3 worlds within us, and the understanding that can come from it, if we like, is the "Gift of God" for our age within each of us, when we join in partnership with God within us to look at these 3 worlds within us through God within us, when we look at them through the 99 eyes of God within us, through the eyes of the 6th level of wisdom within us, which are the 99 wilayates or "Powers of God" within us, which in the islamic traditiion iis called the Qutbiyyat or "The Muhaiyaddeen of God" (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and iin truth is the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age.
That is, if we truly intend for our life to again become "One with" God within us, if we truly intend to "die before death", as the True Sufis (peace be upon Them) have been telling us to do in the Islamic tradition for the last 1400 years, if we truly intend to "be born again", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told us to do over 2000 years ago, and doing all of this, in our age, in partnership with God with us, before we die to the flesh, a wealth which God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, even before we were born.
For in truth this "wealth of God' within us, this "Gift of God" for our age, is in truth God within us for our age, and it is how we become successful in our lifetime, before we die to the flesh, by using "it", by using this "Gift of God" within us to get to God within us, that is, by using God within us to get to God within us, rather than trying to use what "God as discarded" within us to get to God within us, which in everything that we currently see on the "outside" of us, which in our ignorance is our current method of trying to reach God, a method that will only in truth lead us to hell within us, lead us to an eternal life within us of "separation from" God within us.
And this "Gift of God" for our age, is how, through this "contrast" of the 3 Worlds of God within us, through this "Wealth of God" within us, that we can if we like come to understand who we "Already are" within us, that we can come to understand the "Oneness" of God and True Man within us, which in truth is who we "Already are". And this is why we have come to this dunya or earth world within us in the first place, to this "School of Contrast" within us, which we now see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, to come to this understanding, and then to return to God within us with this understanding, to then share this understanding with God within us for eternity. 6. The "True Path" To Enlightenment - is the "Path of God" within us, which God has completed for our age, and all that is left is for us to join in partnership with God within us, "To walk it", before we die to the flesh, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to start to walk it, and then God will do everything else. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is the true path to enlightenment and to the liberation of our soul within each of us, which begins with the awakening of the wisdom surrounding the soul through the "Gift of God" for our age for the Children of God for our age, through the life and teaching of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we only truly want it, if we truly intend for our life to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
This, and only this, for our age, is our true enlightenment, and this, and only this, is then the liberation of our "pure birth and life" from our ego, from our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, for our age, only this is our true enlightenment for our age which is the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul, awakened by the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and in this way, only this is the liberation of our soul, the liberation of our original "pure birth and life" within us from our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, the liberation of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us from "us", from "us" as "separate from" God within us, from our ego, from our current life of sin, our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
This is our true path, the path to wisdom or true enlightenment, and the path to the liberation of our soul, the path where we start to use God within us to get to God within us, and stop trying to us "us" or the "outside" of us to get to God within us, the path where we stop trying to live by "embracing the sciences or religion" on the "outside" of us, and instead embrace God within us, and only God within us, and the path where we stop trying to embrace the key methods and techniques of science and religion on the "outside" of us, the methods and techniques on the "outside" of us of estimation, imagination, and pleasure, and instead rely only on the six types of wisdom within us, which are beyond estimation, imagination, and pleasure, the six types of wisdom within us known as reason, justice, virtue, grace, joy and bliss.
So through the contrast of the 3 Worlds of God within us, through the contrast of the world of souls, of this earth world, and of the hereafter within us, through this "Wealth of God" for our age, through this "Gift of God" for our age, through the life and teaching of God for our age, we may come to understand who we "Already are" within us, before we die to the flesh.
We may join with God within us to come to understand what is currently "separating us" from God within us, what is currently "separating us" from who we "Already are" within us, and having understood all of this, before we die to the flesh, join with God within us to remove all that needs to be removed from within us, and transform all that needs to be transformed within us, and then joined in partnership with God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, and with what God is doing within us, return again as "One with" God within us, but this time with the understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again, and in this way, spending eternity sharing this understanding with God within us. Amen
And having understood all of this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die to the "School of Contrast" within us, if we like, we can then truly "die before death" as the true Sufis tell us to do, and we can then truly "be born again" as Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells us to do, we can then, if we like, truly again become "One with" God within us, we can then truly again become "One" with who we "Already are" within us, we can then, if we like, again become "One" with the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
7. Allowing "God To Finish" - What "God Has Started" Within Us, a very, very long time ago, way before we were born into this world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity, from a Father of purity with a pure heart, how to join in partnership with God within us, so "we" as "One with" God within us, and God as "One with" us within Him within us, can finish this "Heart's Work" within us, or at leas truly start it in partnership with God within us. Then God will do everything else. This is God's Promise, God's Guarantee for our age. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, before we die to the flesh, we must learn how to join in allowing God and True Man within us to allow God within us to finish what God and True Man have started within us, have started within each one of us a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya or "School of Contrast) within us, and to then reveal True Man to True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the next world, the hereafter or akhirah or the "School of Light") within us, and in this way, reveal the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in this way complete the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to this earth world within us, to join with the Creation of God within us, to tell. Ok? Amen.
And in this way, the answer to this question is emphatically "No", that is, while we are still in our current state of "separation from" God within us, of "separation from" each other on the "outside" of us, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, we are not capable of this, we are not capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, of truly acting as God acts within us all the time, of acting as "One with", not as "separate from". And the reason for this emphatic answer of "No" is summarized in the title of this Spiritual Letter, that is, "There Are No Good People, Only God Is Good". A reason which is then expanded upon in the Outlines, Topics, Summaries, and in the Body of this Spiritual Letter.
A Spiritual Letter which for this child is a letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for our age, which is all of living in our age, that is, if we want it, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which in truth is a real possibility in our age. And in this way, with "us" correctly equating "Being Good" and "Helping Other People" with God within us, and only with God within us, and not with "us" in our current state, not as something that we are capable of, at least while "we" are still in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
At least not while "we" are still in our current state as "separate from" God within us, still in our current state of living a life of "separation and differences" with our dearest loving brothers and sisters in the world that we currently see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside", but which in truth is within us.
But which in truth is a world of "darkness and evil" that in our ignorance has grown within us, a world of "darkness and evil" within us that now rules over us through the 9 openings of our illusory body, with God's permission, until we "see God and steady Him within us".
8. Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us" - of "us" as "separate from" God Expanded Summary of Topic 08:
Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us", -of "us" as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh, by making "us" into God's Problem, not our problem, by making our inside and "outside" into His inside and "outside", not ours, and in this way, allowing God to then separate from within us"us" everything that is separating us from God within us, and in this way, for God within us to do this again, as He did it before, in order to become God within us, but this time to do it within us.
And when God has done this "Heart's Work" within us, when God has finished within us what He created us to finish within us, which is Him within us, and us within Him within us, we will be within it, as the Witness, as the Witness of what God has done within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And then we will then spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing what we have learned in this process, as God "Cured Himself of us", with God joined as "One with" us within Him within us, and "us" joined as "One with" Him within us, as God "Cured Himself of us", of our current state, of the "outside" of us, of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowing to grow within us, of "us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, of our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen.
Or said another way, as "We Cured Ourselves" of what was separating "Us" from "Us", again becoming "One", but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again. Amen.
Text of Topic 08:
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, allowing God within us to then "Cure Himself of us" within Himself within us, to then cure Himself of "us" as "separate from" God within Himself within us, because then, if we have truly used "God within us to get to God" within us, if we have truly found and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, in order to "see God and steady Him within us", then God has taken "us" on as "His Burden", as "His Problem", not as ours.
And with God doing all of this within Himself within us, without destroying us within Himself within us, because then, once we have successfully joined in partnership with God within us, then "we" no longer exist as "separate from" God within us.
With all of this happening within us in our lifetime by "us" successfully finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, in order to awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul, allowing our wisdom to liberate our soul within us, that is, allowing our wisdom to remove Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, to remove our "original pure birth and life" within us, from the cross of our elemental body, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our" desire to live on the "outside" of us and sin, doing all of this in order to "see and steady God" within us, doing all of this so we no longer exist as "separate from" God within us, doing all of this so we now exist as "One with" God within us. Amen.
And then God will do everything else, then God will remove the "darkness and evil" from within Himself within us, without removing us, for this is God's Promise, this is God' Guarantee for our age. This I swear to you, to each and every one of you, my dearest loving brothers and sisters living in this age.
For then, once we have found and joined as "One with" with the "Gift of God" for our age to accomplish this transformation of state within us, from "separation from" God within us to "Oneness with" God within us, and we do it before we die to the flesh, then we have become "One with" God within us while we are still living in the world on the "outside" of us, while we are still attending the "School of Contrast" within us, and then God will do everything else, everything required to bring us home, bring us all the way home, that is, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
And as such, in the process, in the process of God "Curing Himself of us", we will have become His Witness, the "Witness of God" to what God is doing within Himself within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and is True Man revealing True Man to True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and as such "They are One", True Man and God are One.
9. And "We" Are "All One" Within Us Expanded Summary of Topic 09:
That is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within us, within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth, and if we will come to realize, understand, accept, and join as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within us, the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of God within us, which is True Man within God within us, if we will join in partnership with God within us, to do this, then our life will become successful in our lifetime.
For in truth, like with the apple seed buried within the earth, the truth will naturally emerge from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, which is the true significance of this Spiritual Letter.
For in truth this Spiritual Letter is "Our own life speaking to Us", not something written by this fool. For each of us in our age is now ready to hear this truth, and to either accept or reject it. Such is the significance of each of "us" in our age, as the Children of God for our age, as the Children of God's Grace for our age. And if we then do accept and join as 'One with" this truth of us, and of God within us, in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us.
That in truth we are the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and that in truth God is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, then the "Seed of God" within the "Earth of God" within us will germinate, coming together as "One".
And in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is God within us, and in maturity revealing the "Fruit of God" from that "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is "True Man" within God within the Creation of God within us, and as such, we are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such "We" are all One, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit are all one, and in the process, again revealing the apple seed from within the apple fruit, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
Text of Topic 09:
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, "We are all One", that is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth.
One within the Other as One, One revealing the Other within It, One hiding itself within the One being revealed only to be reveal again, in the next cycle, in the next cycle of God revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and of True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man within God within us, that is, of the next cycle of Man-God/God-Man within us.
That is, if we will only let it happen within us, if we will only realize, understand, accept and join as "One with" the Truth of us, which is the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and the Truth of what is hidden within us, within the "Seed of God" within us, which is the "Seed of True Man" within God within us, that naturally emerges from within us when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, like this Spiritual Letter to us right now, from God within us all to the Children of God for our age, that is, if we will only let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us.
And as such "They are One", True Man and God, and God and True Man are One within us, and their "Oneness" is in truth who we "Already are", if we like, if we will only trust in God, and only in God within us, and let it happen within us, let the story of "God-Man/Man-God within us, the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, be told within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
Just as the apple tree and the apple fruit are one, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, one hiding itself within the one being revealed only to be revealed again, in the next cycle of the apple seed revealing the apple tree hidden within it within the earth, and of the apple revealing again the apple tree hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, that is, of the next cycle of Man-God/God-Man within us, that is, if the apple seed will only germinate.
And as such "They are One", True Man and God, and God and True Man are One within us, and "we will be within it", and their "Oneness" is in truth who we "Already are", if we like, if we will only trust in God, and only in God within us, and let it happen within us, let the story of "God-Man/Man-God be told within us before we die to the flesh. Amen. . And if we like, "we" will be within it, "we will be within Their "Oneness", that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
And in this way, if we like, our life can truly become successful in our lifetime, and we can then move onto the next of "God's Schools" within us, after we have successfully graduated from the first of "God's Schools" within us, from the "School of Contrast" within us, having learned and pass our exams on what "separates us" from God within us, on what "separates us" from who we "Already are" within us, move onto the "School of Light" within us, where God will personally and ever so lovingly teaches us about God within us, and about True Man within Him within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and "we" will be within it. Amen.
May the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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Spiritual Letter 71 "Expanded Overviews" Version 03 "What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?" Page 4 of 5 Go to Page 1 of 5 (click HERE and then, click on "Expanded Overviews")
(for "Expanded Overviews") ============================================================= Go To: Introduction - to "Version 03", of "Expanded Overviews", of Letter 71 Go To: Expanded Overviews - of Spiritual Letter 71 (on Pages 2, 3, 4, and 5) Version 03 - of Expanded Overviews (on this Page, on Page 4 of 5) "What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?" Version 04 - of Expanded Overviews (in process, on Page 5 of 5) "The focus of this Beautiful Letter of Wisdom, from God within us all" Version 01 - of Expanded Overviews (on Page 2 of 4) "What are we willing To Give Up, to again become"One with" God?" Version 02 - of Expanded Overviews (on Page 3 of 5) "What Are We Really Capable of Doing In Our Lifetime?"
============================================================= Introduction - to "Version 03" of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Here is "Version 03" of the "Expanded Overviews" of "Spiritual Letter 71", which we have given the title,
"What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within Us?"
Hopefully for your reading enjoyment and sharing.
And hopefully to awaken the wisdom surrounding your soul, to awaken it to the reality of our life within us, as "One with" God within us, which is soul, which is our pure birth and life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him), which our liberated soul joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom, which in truth is the contrast to our current life of "separation and differences" that we currently see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
But which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that we in our ignorance have allowed to grow within us, and have now come to maturity within us, as the 9 openings of our elemental body, which now rule over us with God's Permission, until we "See God" within us, and then "Steady Him" within us, so God can then "Cure Himself of us", cure Himself of "us" as "separate from" Him within us, and then complete what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us Amen.
May we all find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, so we can join in partnership with God within us, to complete this "Heart's Work" within us, or at least truly start it within us, in partnership the God within us, in this way, truly using God to get to God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a real possibility in our age. Amen.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
============================================================= Version 03 - of the "Expanded Overviews" of "Spiritual Letter 71" "Silent Outline" - with no summary of each Version 03 Topic
Introduction - to Version 03, of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
05. Understanding - Only Occurs Through Contrast, in the "School of Contrast" within
============================================================= "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Version 03 Topic Introduction - to Version 03, of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71
01. What Makes "Us Acceptable" - To God Within Us, is "God happening" within us, that is, is "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and we will be within it. What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is the "Stuff of God" happening within God within us, which includes the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God "Happening" within God within us, and we will be within it, including the 8 Main Prophets of God within us, which are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening within us, and finally the first and the last Prophet of God, Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening within us. What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is "What God Is Doing" within us happening within us, moving forward on the "Path of God" within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya) within us. allowing True Man to reveal True Man To True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the Next world, the hereafter or akhirah) within us, and we will be within it. And in this way, with God and True Man within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and we will be within it, that is, with "us" joined in partnership with God and True Man within us telling and completing the "Story of the Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell, and "we will be within it", as the Witness. Amen. 02. What Are "We" Really "Capable of Doing" - in our current state. For example in our current state are we capable of "being good", and of "helping other people". This is the question raised and answered within this Spiritual letter, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state, in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, and of currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us. This is the big question of our life, and how we answer it will determinate our eternal life after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us, or after one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age. 03. What Does It Really Mean "Jesus (A.S.) Died On the Cross" - does it mean what we are traditionally told that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross, "for our sins", or does it have a more subtle meaning, that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh, like our soul, our pure birth and life, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, was crucified on the cross of our elemental body within us, on the cross of our impure birth and life, which is our current life on the "outside" of us, "So we could sin", we could come to the "School of Contrast", which is the "First" of "God's Schools" within us in order to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, what "separates us" from the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and what "separates us" from "What God is doing" within God within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, so in partnership with God within us, having come to this understanding, we could then again become "One with" God within us, and "One with" the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and "One with" what "God is doing" within us, before we die to the flesh, so God can finish what He is doing within us, and we will be within it. Amen. 04. Understanding Our "Current State" - and "what to do" with it, our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to move it forward again on the "Path of God" within us. That is, to harvest the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God from within it, from within our current state, to harvest the state of Light within us, of the "Light of man" within God within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, liberated from His cross by our awakened wisdom within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, from within our current state of darkness and evil within us, which in our ignorance is our current "outside" of us. And then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us, to then harvest from within Them (peace be upon Them), to harvest the "Light of God" within us, from within the "Light of the Purity" of God within us, which is our liberated soul joined as 'One with" our awakened wisdom, which is the "Oneness" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, and then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the 'Path of God" within us. To then harvest from within Them what is next on the "Path of God" within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, that is, to harvest the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us from the 'Light of God" within us, from the "Light of God" within us, which is the "Light of the Purity of God" within us, joined as "One with" the "Light of our wisdom" within us, which is the Nur Muhammad within us that has become God within us, that is, in the Islamic tradition, to harvest Allah Muhammad from the Nur Muhammad within us. Amen. 5. Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast - and "Contrast" only occurs through "Wisdom" within us, and "Wisdom" only occurs through God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us. And in truth this is where we have all come, within us, at least this is our "current destination", within God within us, if we have the heart to realize it, at least this is where God in all of His Glory, has sent us, has sent His most Gracious Creation, from the "World of soul" within God within us, to the "School of Contrast" within God within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already are", which is "Of God" within us, which is "Of what is within God" within us, and which is "Of what God is doing" within us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not. Because in truth this is our birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, of our soul which is our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, the true destiny of our soul within us, which is to be crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that have all grown within us, in our ignorance, "so we can sin", so in our ignorace we can live a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, of "selfishnes" son the "outside" of us, which in truth is our current life and our current state. So through contrast, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, so through contrast, joined in partnership with God within us, livng within God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within God within us, we can truly come to understand "Who we Already are", before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which in truth in our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may be pleased with each of Us). Amen. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we have joined in partnership with God within us to truly "See God and Steady God" within us. Amen. Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to truly start living within the "School of Contrast" within God within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within God within us, as the "House of wisdom" within God within us, as the house of Qutb Muaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within God within us, so joined in partnership with God within us, we can come to understand "Who we Already are", which in truth is "Of God" within us, and "Of what is within God" within us, and "Of what God is doing" within us". Amen. 6. The "True Path" To Enlightenment - is the "Path of God" within us, which God has completed for our age, and all that is left is for us to join in partnership with God within us, "To walk it", before we die to the flesh, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to start to walk it, and then God will do everything else. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen. 7. Allowing "God To Finish" - What "God Has Started" Within Us, a very, very long time ago, way before we were born into this world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity, from a Father of purity with a pure heart, how to join in partnership with God within us, so "we" as "One with" God within us, and God as "One with" us within Him within us, can finish this "Heart's Work" within us, or at leas truly start it in partnership with God within us. Then God will do everything else. This is God's Promise, God's Guarantee for our age. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen 8. Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us" - of "us" as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh, by making "us" into God's Problem, not ours, by making our inside and "outside" into His inside and "outside", allowing God to then separate from us everything that is separating us from God, to do this again, as He did it before, in order to become God within us, but this time to do it within us, and when God has done this within us, when God has finished within us what He created us to finish within us, within Him within us, and within us within Him within us, we will be within it, as the Witness, as the Witness of what God has done within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and we will then spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing what we have learned in the process, as God joined as "One with" us within Him within us, and us joined as "One with" Him within us, "Cured Himself of us", of our current state, of the "outside" of us, of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowing to grow within us, of "us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, of our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen. 9. And "We" Are "All One" Within Us - That is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth, and if we will come to realize, understand, accept, and join as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within us, the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of God within us, which is True Man within God within us, if we will join in partnership with God within us, to do this, then our life will become successful in our lifetime. For in truth, like with the apple seed buried within the earth, the truth will naturally emerge from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, which is the true significance of this Spiritual Letter. For in truth this Spiritual Letter is "Our own life speaking to Us", not something written by this fool. For each of us in our age is now ready to hear this truth, and to either accept or reject it. Such is the significance of each of "us" in our age, as the Children of God for our age, as the Children of God's Grace for our age. And if we then do accept and join as 'One with" this truth of us, and of God within us, in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us. That in truth we are the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and that in truth God is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, then the "Seed of God" within the "Earth of God" within us will germinate, coming together as "One". And in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is God within us, and in maturity revealing the "Fruit of God" from that "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is "True Man" within God within the Creation of God within us, and as such, we are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such "We" are all One, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit are all one, and in the process, again revealing the apple seed from within the apple fruit, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
============================================================= Text of Version 03 - with an expanded summary for some Version 03 Topics 01. What Makes "Us Acceptable" - To God Within Us Expanded Summary of Topic 01:
What Makes Us Acceptable To God Within is "God happening" within us, that is, "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within God within us, and we will be within it.
What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is the "Stuff of God" happening within God within us, which includes the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God "Happening" within God within us, and we will be within it, including the 8 Main Prophets of God within us, which are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening within us, and finally the first and the last Prophet of God, Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) happening within us.
What Makes Us Acceptable To God within us, is "What God Is Doing" within us happening within us, moving forward on the "Path of God" within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya) within us. allowing True Man to reveal True Man To True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the Next world, the hereafter or akhirah) within us, and we will be within it.
And in this way, with God and True Man within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and we will be within it, that is, with "us" joined in partnership with God and True Man within us telling and completing the "Story of the Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, which is the Creation of God within us, to tell, and "we will be with it", as the Witness. Amen.
This is what makes us acceptable to God within us, not "us" living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, not all of the "Stuff of Us" that we have accumulated on the "outside" of us, which in truth is within us, not "outside" of us, is all within us as but a refection of all of the desires and attachments of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowed to grow within us, and that have now come to maturity within us, and which now in our ignorance rule over us as the 9 openings of our body, with God's Permission, until we "See God and Steady God" within us.
Until we join in partnership with God within us, until we find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age.
And in this way, allowing God within us to "Cure Himself of us", of "us" within us living in our ignorance a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, of "us" within us living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other" on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from the Creation of God within us. With "us" within us living a life of sin, a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, that is only leading us to hell both within us and on the "outside" of us, is only leading us to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, when we die to the flesh, when we do finally physically die to the "outside" of us, or at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, for all of us, which in our age is a very real possibility. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. What a wonder is this God of ours. Amen.
Text of Topic 01:
Here is a "Second Version" of the "Expanded Overviews" of Spiritual Letter 71 that was sent to several High School Classmates of this child after Mr. Paul Sturgis asked for help, after Paul asked this child, and some of his other Classmates, to help him decide how best to use the money that was collected by Paul at the previous "Guy's Luncheon", with the intention of "helping other people".
Which looks at the whole question of "us" being acceptable to God within us while we are still in our current state of "separation from" each other on the "outside" of us, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting as if we are truly "selfless" within us, like God is always truly acting within us, while we are still in our current state of living a life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
02. What Are "We" Really "Capable of Doing" - in our current state Expanded Summary of Topic 02:
For example, in our current state are we capable of "being good", and of "helping other people".
This is the question raised and answered within this Spiritual letter, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state, in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us.
That is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, and of currently living on the "outside" of us in our ignorance, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us.
This is the big question of our life, and how we answer it will determinate our eternal life after we die to the flesh, after we physically die to the "outside" of us, or after one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age.
Text of Topic 02:
In this way, this Spiritual Letter brings up the whole question of "us" being capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of "us" truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, while we are still in our current state of having "darkness and evil" within us, that is, the whole question of "us" being capable of sometimes acting on the "outside" of us like God always acts within us, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us.
That is, while we are still in our current state of having taken on an "impure birth and life" within us, an "impure birth and life" within us that in our ignorance we only see as existing on the "outside" of us, an "impure birth and life" within us that in truth is the "opposite" of the "pure birth and life" of God within us, which in truth is the "opposite" of the "pure birth and life" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us.
03. What Does It "Really Mean" - "Jesus (A.S.) Died On the Cross". Expanded Summary of Topic 03:
Does it mean what we are traditionally told that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross, on the "outside" of us, "for our sins" on the "outside" of us, so we could go to some heaven also on the "outside" of us, or does it have a more subtle meaning within us, that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh on the "outside" of us. A more subtle meaning within us.
For example, that in truth within us Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our soul, our pure birth and life, which was crucified by each of us, in our ignorance, when we came into this world, on the cross of our elemental body within us, with the 5 nails, with our 5 desires to "live on the "outside" of and sin.
That in this way, Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us was crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in our ignorance we now see as our current life on the "outside" of us, "So we could sin".
That is, that our pure birth and life, or Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, was crucified on our impure birth and life, which is the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us in our ignorance, "So we could sin", so we could come to the "School of Contrast" within us, which is the "First" of "God's Schools" within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already Are", which is "Of God" within us, to learn about what "separates us" from God within us, about what "separates us" from the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and about what "separates us" from "What God is doing" within God within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
So in partnership with God within us, having come to this understanding within us, we could then again become "One with" God within us, and "One with" the "Stuff of God" within God within us, and "One with" what "God is doing" within God within us, before we die to the flesh, so God within us can finish what He is doing within us, and we will be within it, as the Witness. Amen.
Text of Topic 03:
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, we need to ask the question,
"What Does It Mean that Jesus (peace be upon Him) Died On the Cross".
Does it mean what we are traditionally told, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) died on the cross on the "outside" of us, "for our sins" on the "outside" of us, so we could then go to some heaven on the "outside" of us, as is believed by some within the Christian tradition, or does it have a more subtle meaning, a meaning that really helps us again become "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, before we die to the flesh, so our life can truly become successful in our lifetime.
For example, like in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) is not really on the "outside" of us, but rather within us, and neither are we, and that Jesus (peace be upon Him) is not really "separate from" us at all, but in truth is our own soul, and neither are we "separate from" Jesus (peace be upon Him), for in truth, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, we are His house, and we are His body, that is, we are the 'Palace of our soul", and the "Body of the soul".
For in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our soul, is our original "pure birth and life" of God within us, is the "Light of man" within God within us, which in truth is our soul, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, having been crucified on the cross of our "impure birth and life", which is our ego, which is our current life of sin, our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, which is our current state.
And this is our current state, we have become "One with" our impure birth and life, and Jesus (peace be upon Him) is our previous state, is our original pure birth and life, which has allowed itself to be covered over, to be crucified by our impure birth and life, "so we could sin", so we could experience the necessary Contrast, the contrast between heaven and hell, and between good and evil, so we can learn, because understanding only occurs through contrast.
And having learned, having studied and passed all of our exams in this "School of Contrast", having come to understand what "separates us" from God within us, from each other on the "outside" of us, and from the Creation of God within us, we could then graduate from this "First" of "God's Schools", from the "School of Contrast", and then go off to the 'Next" of "God's Schools", off to the "School of Light", where God will personally and ever so lovingly teach us about God within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, and we will spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing our understanding with God within us. Amen.
And while we are still in our current state, we must restrain ourselves from our thoughts of "being good", and of "helping other people", because if we step out to do "God's work" while we are still "separate from" God within us, we could be putting but ourselves and the very people we set out to help, in danger. Rather than this, first praise God within us for such thoughts, and then hand these thoughts of "being good" and of "helping other people" back to God within us, and praise God again.
And then "be done with them", until we are truly good, until we have again become "One with" God within us, and in the process of joining in partnership with God within us, to walk the "Path of God" within us, back into the 'Light of God" within us, becoming "One with" Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" all of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God" within us, God within us, finally becoming "One with" the first and the last Prophet of God within us, with the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him). Amen.
04. Understanding Our "Current State" - and what to do with it Expanded Summary of Topic 04:
Understanding our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to move it forward again on the "Path of God" within us.
That is, to harvest the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God from within it, from within our current state, to harvest the state of Light within us, of the "Light of man" within God within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, liberated from His cross by our awakened wisdom within us, by the wisdom surrounding our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, from within our current state of darkness and evil within us, which in our ignorance is our current "outside" of us.
And then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us, to then harvest from within Them (peace be upon Them), to harvest the "Light of God" within us, from within the "Light of the Purity" of God within us, which is our liberated soul joined as 'One with" our awakened wisdom, which is the "Oneness" of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and Moses (peace be upon Him) within us, and then to harvest that, to harvest from that what is next on the "Path of God" within us.
To then harvest from within Them what is next on the "Path of God" within us, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, that is, to harvest the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us from the 'Light of God" within us, from the "Light of God" within us, which is the "Light of the Purity of God" within us, joined as "One with" the "Light of our wisdom" within us, which is the Nur Muhammad within us that has become God within us, that is, in the Islamic tradition, to harvest Allah Muhammad from the Nur Muhammad within us. Amen.
Text of Topic 04:
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, we must join in partnership with God within us to, "Understanding Our Current State", to understand our current state of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, before it is too late, before it is too late to join in partnership with God within us, to harvest it, to harvest our current "impure birth and life" of sin on the "outside" of us, our current "impure birth and life" of "separation and differences", of "selfishness" on the" outside" of us, our current "impure birth and life" of arrogance, karma, illusion, mind and desire within us, our current "impure birth and life" of desire for earth, women, and gold on the "outside" of us, revealing to us, in this way, what must next be seen and experienced on the "Path of God" within us.
Only then will our current state be of any value to us, as the true value of an apple tree is in its harvest, for if the apples are not properly harvested by a skilled farmer, the crop will only fall off of the tree after it has become hard, and rot and be absorbed into the soil, and perhaps come to grow again in some soil which is not so good.
In this way, we must come to realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of our life, and the truth of God within us, that our original "pure birth and life" within us, which is our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, is currently crucified on the cross of our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, on the cross of the elemental body within us, on the cross of our current "life of sin" on the "outside" of us and in this way, with Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us currently crucified on the cross of our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us with the 5 nails of "our" desire to live here, of "our" desire to live a life of sin, a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us. Such is our current state.
And in this way, in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) didn't die "for our sins", in truth Jesus (peace be upon Him) died "so we could sin", so we could take on and live an "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, so we could learn, so we could come to truly understand, so we could come to this first of "God's School" within us and learn, so we could come to this "School of Contrast" within us, and through it come to the understanding of who in truth we "Already are" within us, which in truth is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. Amen.
5. Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast Expanded Summary of Topic 05:
Understanding "Only Occurs" Through Contrast, and "Contrast" only occurs through "Wisdom" within us, and "Wisdom" only occurs through God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us.
And in truth this is where we have all come, within us, at least this is our "current destination", within God within us, if we have the heart to realize it, at least this is where God in all of His Glory, has sent us, has sent His most Gracious Creation, from the "World of soul" within God within us, to the "School of Contrast" within God within us, in order to learn about "Who we Already are", which is "Of God" within us, which is "Of what is within God" within us, and which is "Of what God is doing" within us, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not.
Because in truth this is our birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, of our soul which is our pure birth and life within us, which in truth is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, the true destiny of our soul within us, which is to be crucified on the cross of our impure birth and life within us, which in truth are all of the lives of darkness and evil within us, that have all grown within us, in our ignorance, "so we can sin", so in our ignorace we can live a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, of "selfishnes" son the "outside" of us, which in truth is our current life and our current state.
So through contrast, if we like, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, so through contrast, joined in partnership with God within us, livng within God within us, in the "School of Contrast" within God within us, we can truly come to understand "Who we Already are", before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, which in truth in our age, is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may be pleased with each of Us). Amen.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we have joined in partnership with God within us to truly "See God and Steady God" within us. Amen.
Once we do this, we can start to learn, that is, once we join in partnership with God within us to truly start living within the "School of Contrast" within God within us, as the "Palace of the soul" within God within us, as the "House of wisdom" within God within us, as the house of Qutb Muaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within God within us, so joined in partnership with God within us, we can come to understand "Who we Already are", which in truth is "Of God" within us, and "Of what is within God" within us, and "Of what God is doing" within us". Amen.
Text of Topic 05:
For in truth, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, "understanding only occurs through contrast", through the contrast of heaven and hell within us, through the contrast of good and evil within us, and through the contrast of the qualities of God and the qualities of the Creation of God within us, which in truth in the Islamic tradition is called the "Mubarakat" of God within us, or the "Wealth of the 3 Worlds" of God within us, which in truth is the wealth of awwal or the "world of souls" within us, of the dunya or this earth world within us, and of akhirah or the hereafter within us.
For in truth, this "contrast" of the 3 worlds within us, and the understanding that can come from it, if we like, is the "Gift of God" for our age within each of us, when we join in partnership with God within us to look at these 3 worlds within us through God within us, when we look at them through the 99 eyes of God within us, through the eyes of the 6th level of wisdom within us, which are the 99 wilayates or "Powers of God" within us, which in the islamic traditiion iis called the Qutbiyyat or "The Muhaiyaddeen of God" (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and iin truth is the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us for our age.
That is, if we truly intend for our life to again become "One with" God within us, if we truly intend to "die before death", as the True Sufis (peace be upon Them) have been telling us to do in the Islamic tradition for the last 1400 years, if we truly intend to "be born again", as Jesus (peace be upon Him) told us to do over 2000 years ago, and doing all of this, in our age, in partnership with God with us, before we die to the flesh, a wealth which God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, even before we were born.
For in truth this "wealth of God' within us, this "Gift of God" for our age, is in truth God within us for our age, and it is how we become successful in our lifetime, before we die to the flesh, by using "it", by using this "Gift of God" within us to get to God within us, that is, by using God within us to get to God within us, rather than trying to use what "God as discarded" within us to get to God within us, which in everything that we currently see on the "outside" of us, which in our ignorance is our current method of trying to reach God, a method that will only in truth lead us to hell within us, lead us to an eternal life within us of "separation from" God within us.
And this "Gift of God" for our age, is how, through this "contrast" of the 3 Worlds of God within us, through this "Wealth of God" within us, that we can if we like come to understand who we "Already are" within us, that we can come to understand the "Oneness" of God and True Man within us, which in truth is who we "Already are". And this is why we have come to this dunya or earth world within us in the first place, to this "School of Contrast" within us, which we now see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us, to come to this understanding, and then to return to God within us with this understanding, to then share this understanding with God within us for eternity. 6. The "True Path" To Enlightenment - is the "Path of God" within us, which God has completed for our age, and all that is left is for us to join in partnership with God within us, "To walk it", before we die to the flesh, or at least to join in partnership with God within us, to start to walk it, and then God will do everything else. For this is "God's Promise", this is "God's Guarantee" for our age. Amen
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is the true path to enlightenment and to the liberation of our soul within each of us, which begins with the awakening of the wisdom surrounding the soul through the "Gift of God" for our age for the Children of God for our age, through the life and teaching of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we only truly want it, if we truly intend for our life to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.
This, and only this, for our age, is our true enlightenment, and this, and only this, is then the liberation of our "pure birth and life" from our ego, from our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, for our age, only this is our true enlightenment for our age which is the awakened wisdom surrounding our soul, awakened by the "Gift of God" for our age, both within us and on the "outside" of us, and in this way, only this is the liberation of our soul, the liberation of our original "pure birth and life" within us from our current "impure birth and life" on the "outside" of us, the liberation of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us from "us", from "us" as "separate from" God within us, from our ego, from our current life of sin, our current life of "separation and differences", our current life of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
This is our true path, the path to wisdom or true enlightenment, and the path to the liberation of our soul, the path where we start to use God within us to get to God within us, and stop trying to us "us" or the "outside" of us to get to God within us, the path where we stop trying to live by "embracing the sciences or religion" on the "outside" of us, and instead embrace God within us, and only God within us, and the path where we stop trying to embrace the key methods and techniques of science and religion on the "outside" of us, the methods and techniques on the "outside" of us of estimation, imagination, and pleasure, and instead rely only on the six types of wisdom within us, which are beyond estimation, imagination, and pleasure, the six types of wisdom within us known as reason, justice, virtue, grace, joy and bliss.
So through the contrast of the 3 Worlds of God within us, through the contrast of the world of souls, of this earth world, and of the hereafter within us, through this "Wealth of God" for our age, through this "Gift of God" for our age, through the life and teaching of God for our age, we may come to understand who we "Already are" within us, before we die to the flesh.
We may join with God within us to come to understand what is currently "separating us" from God within us, what is currently "separating us" from who we "Already are" within us, and having understood all of this, before we die to the flesh, join with God within us to remove all that needs to be removed from within us, and transform all that needs to be transformed within us, and then joined in partnership with God within us, and with all of the "Stuff of God" within us, and with what God is doing within us, return again as "One with" God within us, but this time with the understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again, and in this way, spending eternity sharing this understanding with God within us. Amen
And having understood all of this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we die to the "School of Contrast" within us, if we like, we can then truly "die before death" as the true Sufis tell us to do, and we can then truly "be born again" as Jesus (peace be upon Him) tells us to do, we can then, if we like, truly again become "One with" God within us, we can then truly again become "One" with who we "Already are" within us, we can then, if we like, again become "One" with the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
7. Allowing "God To Finish" - What "God Has Started" Within Us, a very, very long time ago, way before we were born into this world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity, from a Father of purity with a pure heart, how to join in partnership with God within us, so "we" as "One with" God within us, and God as "One with" us within Him within us, can finish this "Heart's Work" within us, or at leas truly start it in partnership with God within us. Then God will do everything else. This is God's Promise, God's Guarantee for our age. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly. Amen
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, before we die to the flesh, we must learn how to join in allowing God and True Man within us to allow God within us to finish what God and True Man have started within us, have started within each one of us a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (which is this earth world or dunya or "School of Contrast) within us, and to then reveal True Man to True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (which is the next world, the hereafter or akhirah or the "School of Light") within us, and in this way, reveal the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, in this way complete the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that we have come to this earth world within us, to join with the Creation of God within us, to tell. Ok? Amen.
And in this way, the answer to this question is emphatically "No", that is, while we are still in our current state of "separation from" God within us, of "separation from" each other on the "outside" of us, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, we are not capable of this, we are not capable of truly "being good" on the "outside" of us, of truly "helping other people" on the "outside" of us, of truly acting as God acts within us all the time, of acting as "One with", not as "separate from". And the reason for this emphatic answer of "No" is summarized in the title of this Spiritual Letter, that is, "There Are No Good People, Only God Is Good". A reason which is then expanded upon in the Outlines, Topics, Summaries, and in the Body of this Spiritual Letter.
A Spiritual Letter which for this child is a letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for our age, which is all of living in our age, that is, if we want it, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us destroys the "outside" of us for all of us, which in truth is a real possibility in our age. And in this way, with "us" correctly equating "Being Good" and "Helping Other People" with God within us, and only with God within us, and not with "us" in our current state, not as something that we are capable of, at least while "we" are still in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us.
At least not while "we" are still in our current state as "separate from" God within us, still in our current state of living a life of "separation and differences" with our dearest loving brothers and sisters in the world that we currently see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside", but which in truth is within us.
But which in truth is a world of "darkness and evil" that in our ignorance has grown within us, a world of "darkness and evil" within us that now rules over us through the 9 openings of our illusory body, with God's permission, until we "see God and steady Him within us".
8. Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us" - of "us" as "separate from" God Expanded Summary of Topic 08:
Allowing God to "Cure Himself of Us", -of "us" as "separate from" God within us, before we die to the flesh, by making "us" into God's Problem, not our problem, by making our inside and "outside" into His inside and "outside", not ours, and in this way, allowing God to then separate from within us"us" everything that is separating us from God within us, and in this way, for God within us to do this again, as He did it before, in order to become God within us, but this time to do it within us.
And when God has done this "Heart's Work" within us, when God has finished within us what He created us to finish within us, which is Him within us, and us within Him within us, we will be within it, as the Witness, as the Witness of what God has done within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
And then we will then spend eternity as "One with" God within us, sharing what we have learned in this process, as God "Cured Himself of us", with God joined as "One with" us within Him within us, and "us" joined as "One with" Him within us, as God "Cured Himself of us", of our current state, of the "outside" of us, of all of the lives of darkness and evil that in our ignorance we have allowing to grow within us, of "us" as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, of our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us. Amen.
Or said another way, as "We Cured Ourselves" of what was separating "Us" from "Us", again becoming "One", but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again. Amen.
Text of Topic 08:
In this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, allowing God within us to then "Cure Himself of us" within Himself within us, to then cure Himself of "us" as "separate from" God within Himself within us, because then, if we have truly used "God within us to get to God" within us, if we have truly found and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, in order to "see God and steady Him within us", then God has taken "us" on as "His Burden", as "His Problem", not as ours.
And with God doing all of this within Himself within us, without destroying us within Himself within us, because then, once we have successfully joined in partnership with God within us, then "we" no longer exist as "separate from" God within us.
With all of this happening within us in our lifetime by "us" successfully finding and becoming "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, in order to awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul, allowing our wisdom to liberate our soul within us, that is, allowing our wisdom to remove Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, to remove our "original pure birth and life" within us, from the cross of our elemental body, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our" desire to live on the "outside" of us and sin, doing all of this in order to "see and steady God" within us, doing all of this so we no longer exist as "separate from" God within us, doing all of this so we now exist as "One with" God within us. Amen.
And then God will do everything else, then God will remove the "darkness and evil" from within Himself within us, without removing us, for this is God's Promise, this is God' Guarantee for our age. This I swear to you, to each and every one of you, my dearest loving brothers and sisters living in this age.
For then, once we have found and joined as "One with" with the "Gift of God" for our age to accomplish this transformation of state within us, from "separation from" God within us to "Oneness with" God within us, and we do it before we die to the flesh, then we have become "One with" God within us while we are still living in the world on the "outside" of us, while we are still attending the "School of Contrast" within us, and then God will do everything else, everything required to bring us home, bring us all the way home, that is, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, from which we have all come, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again. Amen.
And as such, in the process, in the process of God "Curing Himself of us", we will have become His Witness, the "Witness of God" to what God is doing within Himself within us, which is God revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and is True Man revealing True Man to True Man within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and as such "They are One", True Man and God are One.
9. And "We" Are "All One" Within Us Expanded Summary of Topic 09:
That is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within us, within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth, and if we will come to realize, understand, accept, and join as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within us, the truth of us, which is God within us, and the truth of God within us, which is True Man within God within us, if we will join in partnership with God within us, to do this, then our life will become successful in our lifetime.
For in truth, like with the apple seed buried within the earth, the truth will naturally emerge from within us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, which is the true significance of this Spiritual Letter.
For in truth this Spiritual Letter is "Our own life speaking to Us", not something written by this fool. For each of us in our age is now ready to hear this truth, and to either accept or reject it. Such is the significance of each of "us" in our age, as the Children of God for our age, as the Children of God's Grace for our age. And if we then do accept and join as 'One with" this truth of us, and of God within us, in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us.
That in truth we are the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and that in truth God is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, then the "Seed of God" within the "Earth of God" within us will germinate, coming together as "One".
And in this way, revealing the "Tree of God" within the Creation of God within us, which in truth is God within us, and in maturity revealing the "Fruit of God" from that "Tree of God" within us, which in truth is "True Man" within God within the Creation of God within us, and as such, we are "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within us, and as such "We" are all One, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit are all one, and in the process, again revealing the apple seed from within the apple fruit, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen.
Text of Topic 09:
And in this way, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, "We are all One", that is, "Us", God, and True Man are all One within the Creation of God within us, as the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple fruit, are all one within the earth.
One within the Other as One, One revealing the Other within It, One hiding itself within the One being revealed only to be reveal again, in the next cycle, in the next cycle of God revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and of True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man within God within us, that is, of the next cycle of Man-God/God-Man within us.
That is, if we will only let it happen within us, if we will only realize, understand, accept and join as "One with" the Truth of us, which is the "Seed of God" within the Creation of God within us, and the Truth of what is hidden within us, within the "Seed of God" within us, which is the "Seed of True Man" within God within us, that naturally emerges from within us when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, like this Spiritual Letter to us right now, from God within us all to the Children of God for our age, that is, if we will only let the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us.
And as such "They are One", True Man and God, and God and True Man are One within us, and their "Oneness" is in truth who we "Already are", if we like, if we will only trust in God, and only in God within us, and let it happen within us, let the story of "God-Man/Man-God within us, the story of the "Oneness of God and True Man' within us, be told within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
Just as the apple tree and the apple fruit are one, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, one hiding itself within the one being revealed only to be revealed again, in the next cycle of the apple seed revealing the apple tree hidden within it within the earth, and of the apple revealing again the apple tree hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, that is, of the next cycle of Man-God/God-Man within us, that is, if the apple seed will only germinate.
And as such "They are One", True Man and God, and God and True Man are One within us, and "we will be within it", and their "Oneness" is in truth who we "Already are", if we like, if we will only trust in God, and only in God within us, and let it happen within us, let the story of "God-Man/Man-God be told within us before we die to the flesh. Amen. . And if we like, "we" will be within it, "we will be within Their "Oneness", that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh. Amen.
And in this way, if we like, our life can truly become successful in our lifetime, and we can then move onto the next of "God's Schools" within us, after we have successfully graduated from the first of "God's Schools" within us, from the "School of Contrast" within us, having learned and pass our exams on what "separates us" from God within us, on what "separates us" from who we "Already are" within us, move onto the "School of Light" within us, where God will personally and ever so lovingly teaches us about God within us, and about True Man within Him within us, about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and "we" will be within it. Amen.
May the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.
My love (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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This page was last updated on: August 18, 2005